Sunday, February 03, 2008

2 Forget n Go on or 2 Pause n Look back?

Yep, 2day is da big day for my primary school classmate. Known her since standard 1, n shes getting married 2day. Usually kids from my area don't get married so soon, but her case is a bit different. Knowing her was like just yesterday where she was a kid of merely 1 metre tall with her pony tail running up n down da hallways of my primary school, constantly arguing with me bout things n 2day, shes getting married.

I was a blank piece of paper, like everyone else when i was born. However, living in a big city certainly left scars on me after being burnt countless times. I grew up in a competitive environment where survival is crucial, ego, selfish, materialistic, self-protective, emotionless, r all da things we learnt even as a child. I'll give u certain phrases constantly quoted by KL young adults. " Gals r everywhere, u dump 1 n u get 1, its da flow." " We KL ppl always stick 2 da rule of da thumb - We protect our butts" "Money is everything" " I dun run a charity. How much does being courteous pays u?" " Being a litterbug is good. If i dun throw rubbish everywhere, who is going 2 pay da road sweeper for their job?"
Wanna survive in KL, u've gotta learn these city traits.

Friends, i've got tones. True friends dat would put u b4 themselves, hardly any, even now. I guess its as hard 2 find as dinosaurs. Love? I doubt man. Come n tell me if u believe in true love after u've been burnt several times. In KL, Love = Money, so, get money b4 u get love. Ppl often say, : Y dis gal is so pretty n her bf is like shit? Well, next time plz look at his ride b4 making dat statement.

2 be able 2 hide ur thoughts is another essential skill in the law of survival, until now, i'm still not a master of it but i see many of my friends r beyond grandmaster level. 2 da extent dat when they r boasting, its da real stuff n when they r not, its da hoax, seldom u can guess their thoughts.

I have many gp of friends, going out everyday, partying on n off, outings once in a while, yum cha constantly, but somehow, some part in me, i still feel lonely and empty. Is been months, almost a year i've been having dis feeling, yet it does not get betta. Now i even pay more attention 2 it than usual, curiosity n cares comes from a distance. It'll be a long long time for dis 2 subside, i'm a slow healer.

2 forget n go on or 2 pause n look back?

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