Wednesday, September 26, 2007

LAW ???

Sometimes it really makes me wonder if theres really equality in dis world. Some r born rich, some r born ugly, while some r born deformed. If everything is fair, we should be born with da same talents, same status, same looks, y it isn't da case?

Have u ever put in effort but da returns r not as satisfying, often thinking dat u deserve something more than wat u get?

Have u ever loved someone but ur love isn't returned with the same love?

As i study more on law, i start 2 see things differently. Law doesn't balance out preceding equality, nor does it weigh out the unfair parts. Wat i see is dat there isn't such a thing as fairness and equality. Fuck off with law !!! In Malaysia, da law protects da filthy rich and its da same all around da world. Its da amount of money dat counts.

Song listened at dis moment : When you're gone - Avril Lavigne
New things realized : I have a soft spot for beautiful voices.
Recent situation : In da perils of exam.

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