Bits n pieces of my life
2day is da normal friday dat forces me 2 wake up at 7.30 in da morn 2 attend an 8am tutorial. Man, i really must give myself credits for waking me up so early. Usually when u see me awake at 7 or 8 in da morn, its either i haven't slept at all da whole nite or either theres some special occasion dat requires me 2 do so.
Well, after class, took a bus down 2 malacca central 2 buy bus ticket, waited for almost half an hour for da freaking @%&^!!$%^*&% bus, old n smelly, but dats my onli transportation 2 da bus station.
After buying bus ticket, went 2 TESCO for a stroll. Wanted 2 buy my favourite mag, KLUE, mana tau da fella said aug issure not out yet. Again, $%@#$%%&*. Its da onli mag dat keeps me in touch with wats goin on n happening in my hometown. So I went for another of my favourite mag, MILK. N again, @#$%%^**$%#$. Da fella said da shipment still in Hong Kong la, haven't reach Malaysia yet. @_@"'

2day is da normal friday dat forces me 2 wake up at 7.30 in da morn 2 attend an 8am tutorial. Man, i really must give myself credits for waking me up so early. Usually when u see me awake at 7 or 8 in da morn, its either i haven't slept at all da whole nite or either theres some special occasion dat requires me 2 do so.
Well, after class, took a bus down 2 malacca central 2 buy bus ticket, waited for almost half an hour for da freaking @%&^!!$%^*&% bus, old n smelly, but dats my onli transportation 2 da bus station.
After buying bus ticket, went 2 TESCO for a stroll. Wanted 2 buy my favourite mag, KLUE, mana tau da fella said aug issure not out yet. Again, $%@#$%%&*. Its da onli mag dat keeps me in touch with wats goin on n happening in my hometown. So I went for another of my favourite mag, MILK. N again, @#$%%^**$%#$. Da fella said da shipment still in Hong Kong la, haven't reach Malaysia yet. @_@"'
My favourite mag
Den i went back by bus after da boring stroll at TESCO, onli aunties n uncles there, nothin much 2 see. Wat annoys me is dat da bus auntie which is a malay keep spitting out of da window while driving, dat really makes me wonder y would she do dat, weird auntie.
Back at my hs for 5 mins, rain started pouring down, boy am I lucky or wat, if i were 2 reach home any later, i would be caught in da rain. But da bad news is, no sunshine, how am I gonna dry my clothes? omg.
Well, I've got lots 2 do n lots more yet 2 be done.
Lastly, wanna share 2 youtube clips Jason forwarded 2 me.
Vulgar words, an Ah gua, hokkien, wat more can i say, just simply amusing.
Short talks : Yes I dun value money as my top priority listing, i noe its weird but dats just me.
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