I've been in MMU for 4 yrs n every yr we celebrate MERDEKA da same old fashion way, either Pure Bar or Yum Cha at VJN.
However dis yr, we had a spontaneous kind of celebration. <<>>
At 1st it was Liang Boon n I who decided 2 go MITC, den we were joined by Alvin. 3 of us went 2 MITC in 2 motor bikes n da Flag i took from a tree in
Kerjasama by riping it off its ropes. Jam was terrible along da way with police bikes along da road 2 MITC, luckily we were on bikes so da jam was nothing 2 us.
With 2 handsome fellas, a motorbike, n a Malaysia flag, dis is wat u get.
2 eng tau kia, a Harley Davidson police bike, n a stolen flag, n u'll get dis.
Best pic taken in dis Merdeka.
Yep, dats me in front of patrick's hs, all set n good 2 go.
Pic with MMU lec after we help him get his keys outta his car which he accidentally locked it in.
Gathering b4 setting off 2 lap motor.

Da gals, Yun Hui looks so cute in dat helmet. U should see how she clings 2 Alvin's motor, its like as though she is riding da ride of her life in da roller coaster in Final Destination.

Liang Boon n I doin da Lion Dance style, but as u can see, we failed.
Da gals, Yun Hui looks so cute in dat helmet. U should see how she clings 2 Alvin's motor, its like as though she is riding da ride of her life in da roller coaster in Final Destination.
And at last, da gp photo of our spontaneous MERDEKA trip, after all da shouting n cheering Merdeka visiting friends, shouting their names as we pass by their houses, with liang boon singing Merdeka song on da road, I swear 2 god its like a cat who got it's tail stuck in da door, or maybe worse. Its da 1st time i'm doing dis, since no one recognizes me with my helmet on, so y not feel like a Mat Rempit for once n put ourselves in their shoes. Suffice 2 say, it was fun.
wah,u cannot understand wht is singing la.haha.it is art.not everyone can know mine voice.haha
Great effort.This wil become part of my mission impossible,but afterall im able to complete it without police attention..thanks god.
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