Saturday, December 22, 2007
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Men r not afraid of difficult tasks. Its da unpredictable dat scares them.
Its been a while since I last update my blog because of industrial training n I'm all da while stuck in Klang. In da factory I work, in da office I rest, around da factory I loiter. Before dat, I had doubts about my work, uncertain wat will happen during da 3 months. Wat will become of me? Will I be treated badly? Will I be bored? Will I get scolded frequently for my wrongdoings? All weren’t answered till now. Well, its hard for me 2 describe, then I shall tell u my routine, everything I do everyday.
1st thing in da morning, a morning call by da uncle living in da same hs as me at 7 in da morning. 2 early 2 be true dat I’m actually getting up dis early for da past 3 weeks. Reach da company at 7.30 and have breakfast in da canteen. At 8, its time for work. Due 2 my special identity in da company, hardly anyone ask me 2 do any job n I’m not quite happy bout dat. I should have asked the HR department 2 keep it a secret. Recently, I felt like I have taken over da executive director’s job by patrolling da factory everyday at 8 because I really have nothing 2 do. After dat, I’ll just loiter around by observing how the other supervisors do their job, repair machines, do wiring and stuff till the supervisor or engineer gives me specific tasks.
Wat I’ve done so far
- Loiter around, visiting every department, observing how they do their work. The HR department was kind enough to give me a white helmet although I’m not really an engineer yet, it actually acts as a license or a pass to enter every single building which general workers are forbid 2 do so.
- Donkey jobs like painting numbers on da trolleys, sealing busbars with silicon gel, helping a co worker to change the conveyor belts which weighs more than 10 kg per belt.
- Curi tulang. Dats wat dap pl there tot me. Sometimes, I’ll walk around the factory as though I have something 2 do but at fact, I do not, and general workers do not interfere with me as by right I should be higher ranking than them, supervisors think I’m da same rank as them, engineers do not want to risk offending the CEO of da company n so practically no one really pressures me.
- Observing da time, keeping tract of da lunch time and off work time as closely as possible. After all, theres a saying, start work while waiting for off work.
- Rest. Others rest by seating on platforms in da working area, but I rest by seating in the air con office of the department
- Bring clients n suppliers into da factory 2 meet da engineers, dat would give me da chance 2 meet with other ppl from da outside world, n also a chance 2 meet with leng lui suppliers, surprisingly, there r.
- Passing n photostating documents 2 da management in da office, giving me chances to keep track of da leng luis in other departments, listening 2 gossips in da factory.
Wat I’ve learnt so far
- Man wat a company, an employee can be on da engineer and manager rank while his job is onli weighing da scrap aluminium everyday just because he has relationship with the directors of da company. Practically when da aluminum scrap arrives, he will not be available most of da time, either he is loitering around, or either he wil be sleeping under da water tank, sheded from da sun. Wat a parasite.
- Language is no longer a barrier for foreign workers from
- Avoid from bosses. Bosses uses the main entrance, u run away from da back enterance. Da more u avoid from da boss, da less work u need 2 do. Dats wat da general workers r doing.
- Working life is definitely boring. Da entertainment after works r like playing mahjong, drinking beer, smoking, watching TV n sleep, nothing else.
- I miss my study life which I had a more flexible time back den.
After work, bath thoroughly 2 remove da dirt, go for dinner. After dat, watch TV n sleep at 12. Da next day is da same routine. I’ve been living dis life for 3 weeks, n 9 more weeks counting. Details of da working process of da factory will i upload in another blog.
I miss my com, I miss my friends, I miss my life.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Live updates on my life
PMB or rather Press Metal Berhad will be da company who accepted my application for internship. Countless questions arises, many uncertainties. Man r not afraid of da known but rather afraid of the unknown. Yes, da pay is considered high, but den da workload is also great as compare, so for da next 3 months, i will be very very busy, with onli 1 day off per week. Well, no pain no gain, if u wanna get 2 da top, u've gotto work ur ass off.
Announcement : There r many ways 2 write a blog, some blog on their misery, some use blog as a complain board, some use blog as a warzone for personal affairs. Nope, i will not blog on any of dose, in fact, i despise ppl who do dat. In fact, i've decided 2 blog on my own opinions n my way of viewing life. I dun mean 2 b harsh but to readers of dis blog, its up 2 u 2 accept my opinions n plz dun degrade me. Howabout lack of viewers? Its ok, coz from da start, i didn't blog for audience, rather for the sake of pleasure n hobby.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
LAW ???
Have u ever put in effort but da returns r not as satisfying, often thinking dat u deserve something more than wat u get?
Have u ever loved someone but ur love isn't returned with the same love?
As i study more on law, i start 2 see things differently. Law doesn't balance out preceding equality, nor does it weigh out the unfair parts. Wat i see is dat there isn't such a thing as fairness and equality. Fuck off with law !!! In Malaysia, da law protects da filthy rich and its da same all around da world. Its da amount of money dat counts.
Song listened at dis moment : When you're gone - Avril Lavigne
New things realized : I have a soft spot for beautiful voices.
Recent situation : In da perils of exam.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Perspectives of Life
A little of this, u can give it a word, " Motivation". Too much of that, n u get "Kiasuism". I've seen many with the later trait rather than the 1st 1. After all, its a rat race out there .
I always didn't believe that someone can be good in everything. If 1 is good in something, surely, he isn't in others. These r the ones that have great achievements in life irregardless which field.
And there r others which r moderate in everything they do, but have a wide field of knowledge, means he can handle every situation very well but do not excel.
Jack of all trades, master of none.
Jack of all trades master of all.
Which 1 do u fit? the 1st one or the later?
Sunday, September 16, 2007
PS : Its been a week, but it seems like a year, n I'm still waiting.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Copy, Modify n Paste.
When i came in during Beta, I always wondered, howcome my lab reports can neva go beyond 6 marks. After some research, finally i found out wat is going on in MMU.
Neva neva underestimate dis skill, coz after so many yrs, it has yet 2 fail me. Assignments, Lab reports, Tutorial answers, even Exams, all can be acomplished with dis skill.
If its a soft copy, we simply forward messages to the whole YM group of " Heng Dai " n u'll get multiple versions of answers, sometimes its really a hassle 2 pick n choose the best answer.
However, if its a hard copy, also can be done with the technology of 2day. Simply just take it 2 da shop 2 photostat or just scan it into the computer and distribute the soft copy.
Below is wat i wanna share with u all 2day, a video taken from very funny , very creative singaporeans. Sometimes i really wonder if the famous kiasu n kiasi attitude of singaporeans is really that bad after all. At least they r able 2 produce quality products.
Sit back n relax.
I'm off for my 10 hr marathon, hopefully i can make it at the end of the day.
N, plz vote for my poll plz.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Things 2 b done.

An EOS camera. I endured photography but neva had many chances 2 take pictures, coz firstly, i dun own a camera, 2ndly, i dun have da money for an EOS cam. Many beautiful things, scenery, moments dat i wished 2 capture, save it in my own space, but till now, i've onli managed 2 get my hands on my gf's cam.

Experiencing winter in a cottage in hokkaido r one of my dreams. As da sun casts its shine onto the pure white snow on the ground and the clouds, blotting da sun, forming irregular patches on the ground, adding patterns to it, yet another mother nature's painting is formed.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
I've been in MMU for 4 yrs n every yr we celebrate MERDEKA da same old fashion way, either Pure Bar or Yum Cha at VJN.
However dis yr, we had a spontaneous kind of celebration. <<>>
At 1st it was Liang Boon n I who decided 2 go MITC, den we were joined by Alvin. 3 of us went 2 MITC in 2 motor bikes n da Flag i took from a tree in
Kerjasama by riping it off its ropes. Jam was terrible along da way with police bikes along da road 2 MITC, luckily we were on bikes so da jam was nothing 2 us.
With 2 handsome fellas, a motorbike, n a Malaysia flag, dis is wat u get.
Yep, dats me in front of patrick's hs, all set n good 2 go.
Pic with MMU lec after we help him get his keys outta his car which he accidentally locked it in.
Da gals, Yun Hui looks so cute in dat helmet. U should see how she clings 2 Alvin's motor, its like as though she is riding da ride of her life in da roller coaster in Final Destination.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Beijing Olympics 2008

Well, for dis event, China has put in a lot of effort in promoting a green environment. It has spend billions beautifying n cleaning its' cities and it has also banned 1.3 million cars for emmitting black smoke.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
LG Shine - This is 'Shine' Moment
LG Shine - This is 'Shine' Moment
The music, da plot, da characters, da flow, da everything about this advertisement is nice. It is actually an advertisement by LG to promote their phone, LG shine KE970, which till now, I still think its the best n perfect phone for a gal with its mirror surface when the lights at da lcd screen is off n its sleek design.

PS : Pay attention 2 da verse " Memory, Love, Friendship, Passion, Hope and Dream. They make ur life shine."
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Random Stories...

2day is da normal friday dat forces me 2 wake up at 7.30 in da morn 2 attend an 8am tutorial. Man, i really must give myself credits for waking me up so early. Usually when u see me awake at 7 or 8 in da morn, its either i haven't slept at all da whole nite or either theres some special occasion dat requires me 2 do so.
Well, after class, took a bus down 2 malacca central 2 buy bus ticket, waited for almost half an hour for da freaking @%&^!!$%^*&% bus, old n smelly, but dats my onli transportation 2 da bus station.
After buying bus ticket, went 2 TESCO for a stroll. Wanted 2 buy my favourite mag, KLUE, mana tau da fella said aug issure not out yet. Again, $%@#$%%&*. Its da onli mag dat keeps me in touch with wats goin on n happening in my hometown. So I went for another of my favourite mag, MILK. N again, @#$%%^**$%#$. Da fella said da shipment still in Hong Kong la, haven't reach Malaysia yet. @_@"'
My favourite mag
Den i went back by bus after da boring stroll at TESCO, onli aunties n uncles there, nothin much 2 see. Wat annoys me is dat da bus auntie which is a malay keep spitting out of da window while driving, dat really makes me wonder y would she do dat, weird auntie.
Back at my hs for 5 mins, rain started pouring down, boy am I lucky or wat, if i were 2 reach home any later, i would be caught in da rain. But da bad news is, no sunshine, how am I gonna dry my clothes? omg.
Well, I've got lots 2 do n lots more yet 2 be done.
Lastly, wanna share 2 youtube clips Jason forwarded 2 me.
Vulgar words, an Ah gua, hokkien, wat more can i say, just simply amusing.
Short talks : Yes I dun value money as my top priority listing, i noe its weird but dats just me.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Gals Out Loud
This is my current favourite Singapore reality Tv show. Hosted by Sg's top blogger Wendy aka xiaxue with her blog, and Rosalyn, Sg's radio station DJ. This reality show covers all Singapore's daily issues from dating to kiasuism, to beauty tips, to dancing, bla bla ....... definitely a 5 star rating from me. Except for the bits of singlish xiaxue speaks, not 2 say i dislike her or theres some bias about it, everything about the show is hilarious and realistic, its like filming Singapore's society in a half an hour show.
Heres the website for the streaming clips.
Watch it, and u'll not regret, u will, if u don't.

Enjoy, guys n gals.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
War of da Century : Wendy Cheng aka xiaxue VS Steven Lim

As for this, shis in da mid

Da left 1
Xiaxue aka Wendy Cheng, da top Sg blogger, compatible to our Kenny sia. So of course wat she posts on her blog proves to create a turmoil.
Next, Steven Lim
Still need a dictionary?
Well, in short, dis fella gained fame when he participated in da Sg Idol and stripped while singing "She Bangs" by Ricky Martin. Which now claims 2 be a street eyebrow shapper and a part time model.
Da point is...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
My name is Nicholas, my name is also Hiew Wai Leong. Ppl often call me by da name Nicholas or Wai Leong. However, there r also individuals who call me by my whole name, Hiew Wai Leong, well, its ok, after all its just a name.
Once in lab, my lecturer asked me : " R u Nicholas or r u Hiew Wai Leong?"
And wat came from me was, : " Both"
Man, wat an answer, da lec must have tot dat it was ridiculously lame.
Ppl often wonder if i'm just being fancy, or stuff copying some superstar's name or so. I would like 2 tell da world, absolutely not. If i were 2 do so, i would have called myself Rain, Moon, Sky, or some other ridiculous names like Jummy, Tamey, Roncious, etc. Da truth is, Nicholas was my name since birth, from da min i opened my eyes n cried 2 da world. In kindagarden, primary school, sec school, college, uni, till now.
Well, as da 1st blog, let me show u wat do I do everyday.