Sometimes it really makes me wonder if theres really equality in dis world. Some r born rich, some r born ugly, while some r born deformed. If everything is fair, we should be born with da same talents, same status, same looks, y it isn't da case?
Have u ever put in effort but da returns r not as satisfying, often thinking dat u deserve something more than wat u get?
Have u ever loved someone but ur love isn't returned with the same love?
As i study more on law, i start 2 see things differently. Law doesn't balance out preceding equality, nor does it weigh out the unfair parts. Wat i see is dat there isn't such a thing as fairness and equality. Fuck off with law !!! In Malaysia, da law protects da filthy rich and its da same all around da world. Its da amount of money dat counts.
Song listened at dis moment : When you're gone - Avril Lavigne
New things realized : I have a soft spot for beautiful voices.
Recent situation : In da perils of exam.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Perspectives of Life
So everyone wants to a superman. Everyone wants to be good in everything. Everyone wants to be better than others in many fields.
A little of this, u can give it a word, " Motivation". Too much of that, n u get "Kiasuism". I've seen many with the later trait rather than the 1st 1. After all, its a rat race out there .
I always didn't believe that someone can be good in everything. If 1 is good in something, surely, he isn't in others. These r the ones that have great achievements in life irregardless which field.
And there r others which r moderate in everything they do, but have a wide field of knowledge, means he can handle every situation very well but do not excel.
Jack of all trades, master of none.
Jack of all trades master of all.
Which 1 do u fit? the 1st one or the later?
A little of this, u can give it a word, " Motivation". Too much of that, n u get "Kiasuism". I've seen many with the later trait rather than the 1st 1. After all, its a rat race out there .
I always didn't believe that someone can be good in everything. If 1 is good in something, surely, he isn't in others. These r the ones that have great achievements in life irregardless which field.
And there r others which r moderate in everything they do, but have a wide field of knowledge, means he can handle every situation very well but do not excel.
Jack of all trades, master of none.
Jack of all trades master of all.
Which 1 do u fit? the 1st one or the later?
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Twice i wanted 2 complete my FYP design drawing n twice i was interrupted by a cut in electricity supply, leaving me clueless in a dark room, grieving n cursing for my unsaved file. Haiz, 3 days 2 gob4 presentation starts, hopefully i can complete the slides by 2day.
PS : Its been a week, but it seems like a year, n I'm still waiting.
PS : Its been a week, but it seems like a year, n I'm still waiting.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Copy, Modify n Paste.
Ppl often ask me, wat did I learn after being in MMU for 4 yrs. My answer? The most important skill of all, the rule of the thumb, the utmost useful skill --- Copy, Modify n Paste.
When i came in during Beta, I always wondered, howcome my lab reports can neva go beyond 6 marks. After some research, finally i found out wat is going on in MMU.
Neva neva underestimate dis skill, coz after so many yrs, it has yet 2 fail me. Assignments, Lab reports, Tutorial answers, even Exams, all can be acomplished with dis skill.
If its a soft copy, we simply forward messages to the whole YM group of " Heng Dai " n u'll get multiple versions of answers, sometimes its really a hassle 2 pick n choose the best answer.
However, if its a hard copy, also can be done with the technology of 2day. Simply just take it 2 da shop 2 photostat or just scan it into the computer and distribute the soft copy.
Below is wat i wanna share with u all 2day, a video taken from very funny , very creative singaporeans. Sometimes i really wonder if the famous kiasu n kiasi attitude of singaporeans is really that bad after all. At least they r able 2 produce quality products.
Sit back n relax.
I'm off for my 10 hr marathon, hopefully i can make it at the end of the day.
N, plz vote for my poll plz.
When i came in during Beta, I always wondered, howcome my lab reports can neva go beyond 6 marks. After some research, finally i found out wat is going on in MMU.
Neva neva underestimate dis skill, coz after so many yrs, it has yet 2 fail me. Assignments, Lab reports, Tutorial answers, even Exams, all can be acomplished with dis skill.
If its a soft copy, we simply forward messages to the whole YM group of " Heng Dai " n u'll get multiple versions of answers, sometimes its really a hassle 2 pick n choose the best answer.
However, if its a hard copy, also can be done with the technology of 2day. Simply just take it 2 da shop 2 photostat or just scan it into the computer and distribute the soft copy.
Below is wat i wanna share with u all 2day, a video taken from very funny , very creative singaporeans. Sometimes i really wonder if the famous kiasu n kiasi attitude of singaporeans is really that bad after all. At least they r able 2 produce quality products.
Sit back n relax.
I'm off for my 10 hr marathon, hopefully i can make it at the end of the day.
N, plz vote for my poll plz.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Things 2 b done.
Things 2 b done
As a grown up of 22 yrs of age,u'd wished dat u had many things, done many things. I mean, who wouldn't? After been dis world for 22yrs, of course u've done many things, have many things but theres always something dat u wished u had done or wanting to own something dat badly dat u would go all out for it.

Yes, a new handphone, as mine was spoilt ages ago, now currently using a temporary 1. My friends used 2 say, u have been mentioning dat u wanna change ur phone since beta, but den, till now u r still using ur old phone. Often they complain bout my hp being old, heavy, non-coloured screen, non polyphonic, no 3G, no Bluetooth, n da list goes on.

An EOS camera. I endured photography but neva had many chances 2 take pictures, coz firstly, i dun own a camera, 2ndly, i dun have da money for an EOS cam. Many beautiful things, scenery, moments dat i wished 2 capture, save it in my own space, but till now, i've onli managed 2 get my hands on my gf's cam.

My own car. I loved travelling, going places, visiting ppl, which i couldn't do without proper transportation of course. Of course a convertible mini cooper is too much of a car for me, just a normal 1 will do. Something dat can bring me 2 da beach when i feel like it, something da will bring me 2 other places for meals other than da same old thing i eat everyday at bear bear hill, something dat would bring me out on occasions, chillin out, partying.

Experiencing winter in a cottage in hokkaido r one of my dreams. As da sun casts its shine onto the pure white snow on the ground and the clouds, blotting da sun, forming irregular patches on the ground, adding patterns to it, yet another mother nature's painting is formed.
Well, u can't be satisfy with everything in life don't u. Hope when time comes, i'll have both da money n time to do wat i like.
So long n good nite.
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